Our Mission

Engage future generations of Kehoe family members in being actively involved in responsible giving to organizations that support the Founder’s values and causes.



Like many, we are concerned about the current direction of our educational system, and seek to return it to many of its former values and methods. We aim to work colleges and high schools that focus on STEM and classic American- Western curriculums that foster critical thinking and open-mindedness.


Business creation and innovation is at the heart of job and wealth creation. We aim to work with schools and associations whose mission focuses on teaching business management as well as funding tomorrow’s business leaders.


Lots of money goes to cancer research. We believe that too is important. Our focus is improving the patient experience for those suffering from this terrible disease. We aim to work with hospitals and organizations that improve access to care as well as the quality of that care.


Our returning veterans deserve better from America… especially those suffering life altering injuries. We aim to work with organizations and associates that smooth re-entry into society and address long term needs for housing, education and medical help.